Motor Gearbox Cacing Mikro Mini 90 Derajat 32mm Poros 24V
  • Motor Gearbox Cacing Mikro Mini 90 Derajat 32mm Poros 24VMotor Gearbox Cacing Mikro Mini 90 Derajat 32mm Poros 24V

Motor Gearbox Cacing Mikro Mini 90 Derajat 32mm Poros 24V

selamat datang di grosir atau disesuaikan Mini 90 Derajat 32mm Poros 24V Micro Worm Gearbox Motor dari pabrik kami kapan saja, kami akan menawarkan Anda harga diskon pabrik untuk produk kami. Chaoya adalah produsen dan pemasok motor worm gearbox di Cina. Mini 90 Derajat 32mm Shaft 24V Micro Worm Gearbox Motor adalah motor kecil dan berperforma tinggi yang dirancang untuk memberikan kinerja yang efisien dan andal untuk berbagai aplikasi industri dan komersial. Motor ini dilengkapi sistem reduksi roda gigi cacing, yang memungkinkan transmisi torsi antara sudut siku-siku.

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Deskripsi Produk

Buy high-performance Mini 90 Degree 32mm Shaft 24V Micro Worm Gearbox Motor from our Chaoya factory in china, the worm gear reduction system works by using a worm gear that rotates a worm wheel. The worm gear has a cylindrical screw thread that meshes with the worm wheel teeth, enabling torque transmission between right angles. The worm gear system's distinct advantage is that it allows high torque transmission with a low probability of backdriving. Mini 90 Degree 32mm Shaft 24V Micro Worm Gearbox Motor’s 90-degree output shaft design makes it an idea choice for compact space-constrained applications requiring torque transmission between right angles. The worm gear reduction system and advanced control technologies also ensure precise speed and torque control, resulting in optimal efficiency and reliability. In summary, the Mini 90 Degree 32mm Shaft 24V Micro Worm Gearbox Motor is an advanced and high-performance motor with a worm gear reduction system, enabling torque transmission between right angles. Its advanced control technologies and low noise ensure precise speed and torque control, resulting in optimal efficiency and reliability. The worm gear motor's distinct advantage is that it allows high torque transmission with a low probability of  backdriving, making it popular in various industrial and commercial applications.

Parameter GearBox:

Melangkah langkah ke-3 langkah keempat langkah kelima Langkah keenam Langkah ketujuh
Panjang (mm) 46 / / / /
Efisiensi 50% / / / /
Rasio Peredam 47, 65, 162, 224, 284, 350 / / / /
Nilai Turque
Turque Sesaat yang Diijinkan


1. Dapat dilengkapi dengan motor sikat seri 2/motor tanpa sikat 24#

2. Suhu pengoperasian: -40℃~+80℃

3. Poros keluaran dapat disesuaikan berdasarkan permintaan

Parameter Motorik:

Model Tegangan (V) Kecepatan Putar Tanpa Beban (rpm) Arus tanpa beban (mA) Torsi beban ( Kecepatan Putar Beban (rpm) Beban Saat Ini (A)
RC370 24 5300 60 37 4700 0,3

Parameter Motor + GearBox:

Model Roda Gigi Rasio Peredam 47 65 162 224 284 350 / / / /
32GZ-RC370 Kecepatan Putar Tanpa Beban (rpm) 113 82 33 24 19 15 / / / /
Torsi Terukur ( 0.87 1.2 3 4.14 5.25 6.48 / / / /
Nilai Kecepatan Putar (rpm) 100 72 29 21 17 13 / / / /

Tag Panas: Mini 90 Derajat 32mm Poros 24V Micro Worm Gearbox Motor, Cina, Produsen, Pemasok, Pabrik, Tahan Lama, Kutipan, Harga Murah

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